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Tampa Bay FMPug – September Meeting

Please join us for our September meeting for FileMaker Pro User Group on Thursday, September 10th at 6 PM at the DocuWRX office in Clearwater, Florida.

September Meeting Agenda

At 6 pm, Chris Cain of Extensitech, LLC. will be presenting about Naming Conventions and Modular Scripting.

Chris will start us off by outlining and demonstrating Extensitech’s naming conventions for tables, fields, scripts, custom functions, etc., and then the group will critique, and also share their own insights into how best to name items such that they can be consistently and predictably named, and also named so that the names themselves can be leveraged in development.

Chris will then show how Extensitech leverages their own naming convention to do modular scripting, where a single script can take minimal parameters to perform concise and consistent actions throughout the solutions. The group will then critique, and discuss the pros and cons of the approach.

We will be leaving open time for Q&A as this topic is indented to have the critique of attendees.

If you’re unable to attend the event in person, please join us remotely and view our live webinar at the following link:  – you can use your device’s mic & speakers or use the teleconference number that will be provided once you’re connected to GoToWebinar.

The entire discussion will be made available online at DocuWrx’s YouTube channel a few days after the event:

Attend for FREE

  • Meetings are open to the public and ALL are welcome to attend & participate!
  • Great for developers, enthusiasts, power users, clients & potential clients!
  • Meet local FileMaker talent!
  • Free networking opportunity!
  • Share your FileMaker skills & gain valuable feedback!
  • Share your FileMaker stories!
  • Meet and greet your developers!
  • Show off your system to other users!
  • Let experienced developers answer your questions!

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