Power Finds
Thursday, April 18th, 2013I’ve been working with FileMaker for a really long time, about 20 years now. For the last dozen or so years, I’ve been a full-time developer of FileMaker solutions. I spend a lot of time developing cool new solutions with More»

The Bizarro World of the Developer
Thursday, February 21st, 2013As developers, we work with clients from a number of different business types and industries. Over time I’ve noticed that each of them seems to live in their own world. The loan officer I work with for a bank talks about the More»

Avocado Tools
Friday, January 25th, 2013I love avocados. I like guacamole, sure, but I also just love a good avocado, just sliced, maybe with a little salt and pepper, alongside my salad or, more likely, as a side to a meal that otherwise includes nothing More»