Ray Bloch Productions
“I called Extensitech for a free consultation, though I was apprehensive and assumed they would find the earliest opportunity to steer me to their services…
I was pleasantly surprised. They were very knowledgeable about CRM applications, and they truly listened to my needs and the frustrations I’d had in finding a solution…
Ultimately, we came to the conclusion that one of their customized solutions was not actually the best fit for us and they encouraged me to check out an off-the-shelf solution from another party, even though that would not result in any business for them. The off-the-shelf product worked. Their free consultation was truly free; if anything, I feel guilty that they steered me to a solution that didn’t involve them. I’m hoping we can find an excuse to work together in the future, as an intelligent, thoughtful resource like Extensitech is such a rare find in this age of ‘read our FAQ’ service.”
Ray Bloch; President
Ray Bloch Productions
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